Yinling Hsu         許尹齡

Born in Pingtung, Taiwan, in 1987, currently work and lives on the mountain in Taipei.  Icontinue to record the social issues that I concerned about through painting. In the past, I used keywords such as trauma, insomnia, mental illness, emotions, death, and memory to create different characters and stories. I write a narrative process together, and explore the nature of human beings and the subtle yet close connection between human beings and the social environment during the creative process.


Solo exhibition
2024  Relaxing On the Spot - Project Fulfill Arts Space Taipei
2021  The Flare Always Gets Its Way - Project Fulfill Arts Space Taipei
2017  Side Wall - Project Fulfill Arts Space Taipei
2015  All Happy Returns - Gallery EXIT Hong Kong

Artist Residency
2015   RUD Artist In Residency - Sweden
2014  ISCP ( International Studio and Curatorail Program ) - New York

Associated exhibition
2020  White Darkness -Space K Gyeonggi-do Korea
2020  Subzoology : 2020 Taiwan Biennial - National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
2018《Dream Makers》Riverbed Theatre’s 20th Anniversary - Eslite Gallery Taipei
2017  Mystery Cases in Contemporary Art 《And Now There Are All》─ Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

2024就地放鬆 – 就在藝術空間 台北
2021得逞的火光 – 就在藝術空間 台北
2017邊牆 – 就在藝術空間 台北
2015所有快樂都會回來 – 安全口畫廊 香港

2015   RUD Artist In Residency -Sweden
2014  ISCP ( International Studio and Curatorail Program ) New York

2020White Darkness-Space K 京畿道 韓國 
2018造夢者.潛意識劇場—河床劇團20年-誠品畫廊 台北

©Yinling Hsuvm3fu6@gmail.com+886 988 222 620